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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Travel tips to Goa

Goa is one of the most delightful states in India, located in the western part of the country and quite different from the other states of India. Goa has rightly earned the sobriquet of the "Beach Capital of the world" thanks to several pristine beaches found in the state.  

Away from the fast-paced life of cities, Goa, the beach capital of India is relaxed. Goa is synonymous with the azure sea and the pristine, serene sandy beaches. The people of Goa are friendly and hospitable.

The travel tips to Goa will include a wide array of information on several sites of tourist importance. The soul elevating and the stunning beauty of Goa attract large number of visitors who relax and rejuvenate in the tranquil, captivating beauty of Goa. 

The visitors to Goa can unwind and rejuvenate in the serene and tranquil ambiance of Goa by exploring the different hues and shades of Goa. 

Worried about a language barrier while in Goa? There’s no need to worry, as most Goans are multi-lingual. Many people in Goa speak at least some English in all the major places in the state. Marathi and Konkani are the two major languages of Goa. Hindi is also commonly spoken in the state. 

If you wish to get general information on the state of Goa, you can visit the Government of Goa Department of Tourism office in the capital city of Panjim. 

Every year from December 23 to January 7, Goa is the place where tens of thousands of visitors come here. If you wish to come to Goa during this period, be prepared to negotiate crowds everywhere. It is advisable to book your hotels and bars in advance.


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